Retaining Walls

December 12, 2019

How to Build a Concrete Retaining Wall 2020

Concrete Retaining Wall using 2*12’s You may have read our original blog on How to build a concrete retaining wall. This one will explain how to build a retaining wall part 2 using Doug Fir 2*12’s system. This system is used the majority of the time on our projects. Think of this retaining wall like an old school basketball court back in the ’70s. Where there were only hard fouls and if you hit the concrete wall you knew you were out of bounds. Also, the finish on this wall offers a unique wood look. Using this system also gives […]
December 5, 2019

How to Build a Concrete Retaining Wall

Waler Concrete Retaining Wall Forming System How to build a retaining wall: We won’t bore you with all the technical jargon that structural engineer’s use. Just know the waler forming system is one of the many ways to form a concrete retaining wall the right way. This slide show will walk you through the process. [metaslider id=3618] We start by drilling multiple  ¾ inch plywood  We drilled approximate 18 – 9/16 holes in ¾ inch plywood. (picture 1) Once concrete footing is poured we snap a couple chalk lines to place our footing plates using 2*4 doug fir. This allows us […]
August 18, 2019

Is compaction important for my retaining wall?

Compaction, Geo-grid , and proper drainage,  important factors that’s makes a retaining wall last forever.  IF ANY OF THE THREE IS NOT DONE CORRECT YOUR WALL WILL COME DOWN !!!! So What is Compaction? Compaction is the process of rearranging soils to consolidate the space occupied by  the soil particles while forcing out excess air and water. Why is it important? Properly compacted soils help to strengthen the internal strength of the soil mass by aligning the soil particles together and increasing the coefficient of friction when a load is applied to the soil, and reducing undesirable settlement. Most compaction must meet the the so called […]
January 20, 2014

Drainage: Does My Retaining Wall Need It

Drainage System and the importance of it… We all know the damage water can do. When designing a retaining wall there are many factors that go into it. One of the most important parts is a drainage system other’s includecompaction, geo-grid andleveling pad some times called the footing   Without proper drainage this WILL happen and cost you this $$$$$$….. Notice no drain rock or drain pipe… No drainage: This will happen In order for any retaining wall to function properly and remain sound, a drainage system should be an integral part of the wall. Drain rock and perforated pipe should be […]
January 15, 2014

Geogrid: Do I need it for my Retaining Wall?

GeoGrid what is it ? Geogrid is a geosynthetic material used to reinforce soils and similar materials. Geogrids are commonly used to reinforce retaining walls, sub-bases or sub soils below roads or structures. Soils pull apart under tension. Compared to soil, geogrids are stronger in tension. This fact allows them to transfer forces to a larger area of soil than would otherwise be the case. Ok… Ok…. that’s the technical term…Hell I don’t even understand it (lol). You may have to cut the geogrid at different widths depending on the plans… When the weight of a retaining wall units along is […]
April 5, 2013

Retaining Wall footing… How important is it ?

Retaining Wall Footing For Block Wall A retaining wall footing or leveling pad is the most important part of the project. The footing varies depending on the type of wall you are building.  As you will see at the end of the video. Not doing it right WILL COST YOU A LOT OF MONEY PERIOD. Here is a quick checklist on what it takes to install a retaining wall footing the right way. Dig your trench for the footing . Width and depth depends on the type of block you are using 2. Apply and compact  base rock using a […]